San Marcos Unified Celebrates 2023-24 Employees of the Year


SAN MARCOS – The San Marcos Unified School District (SMUSD) has announced the 2023-24 District Employees of the Year as well as all of the certificated and classified 2023-24 Employees of the Year. From all of the Employees of the Year, the four below are chosen as the District Employees of the Year

District Certificated Employee of the Year: Kim Gates, Teacher, San Marcos Elementary

Pictured from left to right: Dr. Andy Johnsen, Superintendent, Dr. Tiffany Campbell, Deputy Superintendent, Dale Pluciennik, SMEA President, Kim Gates, Teacher of the Year, Silvia Ventura-Jacobsen, Principal San Marcos Elementary, Christine Griley, Assistant Principal San Marcos Elementary, Dr. Joel Garcia, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources.

District Certificated Employee of the Year: Leandra Martinez, Teacher, San Marcos High School

Pictured from left to right: Dr. Andy Johnsen, Superintendent, Dale Pluciennik, SMEA President, Leandra Martinez, Teacher of the Year, Jesse Mindlin, Assistant Principal SMHS, Jesse Schuveiller, Principal SMHS, Dr. Joel Garcia, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources

District Classified Employee of the Year: Courtney Canetti, Library Media Tech I, Richland Elementary

Pictured from left to right: Ron Tackett, CSEA President, Julie Morgan, Assistant Principal Richland Elementary, Julie Barbara, Principal Richland Elementary, Courtney Canetti, Classified Employee of the Year, Dr. Andy Johnsen, Superintendent, Dr. Joel Garcia, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources

District Administrator of the Year Patricia Kurylo: Assistant Principal on Special Assignment, Educational Services

Pictured from left to right: Dr. Andy Johnsen, Superintendent, Patricia Kurylo, Administrator of the Year, Deputy Superintendent, Dr. Tiffany Campbell, Dr. Joel Garcia, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources

All 2023-24 Employees of the Year:

Carrillo Elementary:– Vanessa Shreve– Jennifer Larochelle
Discovery Elementary:– Janet Wilson-Cantu– Elisabeth Plastridge
Joli Ann Leichtag Elementary:– Whitney Dean– Rosenda Ruiz
Knob Hill Elementary:– Amanda Miller– Rajeswari Dorairaj
La Costa Meadows Elementary:– Cheri Bailey– Irene Pilve
Paloma Elementary:– Rebecca Boehm– Anita Lopez-Vazquez
Richland Elementary:– Sasha Stone– Courtney DeHaan-Canetti
San Elijo Elementary:– Christi Schroeder– Renee Hill
San Marcos Elementary:– Kim Gates– Barbara Lamb
Twin Oaks Elementary:– Trinidad Rodriguez– Elisa Martinez
La Mirada Academy:– Michelle Borja– Elba Torres
Double Peak School:– Rikki Kuykendall– Kylie Falk
San Elijo Middle:– Trish Fleming– Jeanette Arzate
San Marcos Middle:– Jesse McAteer– Sylvia Hernandez
Woodland Park Middle:– Danielle Leiva– Paloma Orozco
Mission Hills High:– Jocelyn O’Neil– Genoveva Gomez
San Marcos High:– Leandra Martinez– Wendy Castellanos
Twin Oaks High/Foothills High:– Ashley Curtis– Brittney Gibbs
Adult Transition Program:– Michelle Borelli– Michelle Borelli

Maintenance and Operations:– Antonio Cornejo
Risk Management:– Shannon Chapman
Special Education:– Noemi Grasso– Karian Sohn
Transportation:– Jenni Speed Inns
Kids on Campus:– Patricia Michellys
Technology:– Barbara Lamb
Child Nutrition Services:– Veronica Sandoval