SANDAG Audit Shows $2M in Losses from Faulty Toll Road


COUNTY — A report from the San Diego Association of Governments Office of the Independent Performance Auditor was released on Monday showing the agency lost nearly $2 million in revenue from faulty toll road equipment.

The report from Courtney Ruby, SANDAG’s auditor, addressed State Route 125 and the backend system developed and managed by ETAN Technologies. Ruby began her investigation in December 2023 and the findings showed concerning issues for the agency and ETAN.

The report will be presented to the SANDAG Audit Committee today.

Sr125 Investigation Report Final
492KB ∙ PDF file
The audit, though, found SANDAG lost almost $2 million in revenue due to the Kapsch Roadway system transmitting trips incorrectly calculated or not transmitting trips at all. The Kapsch Roadway system captures vehicle transactions on the SR 125, processes them into trip data and transmits the information to the Fastlane Back-Office System for customer billing.