Monday, March 24, 2025
HomeUncategorizedSave Oceanside Sand Local Advocates for Sustainable Beaches

Save Oceanside Sand Local Advocates for Sustainable Beaches

Our Oceanside City Council will vote to consider the Sand Retention and Replenishment Study at the April 8 Council meeting. Please reach out to all of our Council Members to ask them to approve the Sand Study and keep the momentum moving to restore our beaches. It would be easy to delay and ignore our beaches during this time of crisis. Oceanside is at a critical point and should take action to protect our most important resource
Copy and send the following letter to:
Dear City Council,

A critical resource for Oceanside is sand on the beach to provide a safe, attractive, and protective shoreline. I hope to receive your support for the Sand Retention and Replenishment Study that Staff will present for your consideration. It’s important that Council approve this project to allow Staff to seek Federal, State, and Regional funding to restore our beaches, protect public access, and secure our economy.
Best Regards,
Thanks to all who take the time and write our City Council!

The Harbor dredging this year yielded 235,000 cubic yards of sand for beaches between North Coast Village and Tyson Street. Manson Construction did a great job grooming our beaches with the fresh sand that builds up in the mouth of the Harbor.

!S.O.S.Oceanside! has gone Virtual

We have adapted to social distancing and are hosting our meetings on Zoom. This has allowed your Board of Directors to continue the campaign to restore our beaches during a difficult time while we all isolate for awhile.

Meetings with City officials and Scripps Oceanographic Institute have yielded valuable information and contacts.

Our May 19 public meeting at Bagby’s is still scheduled, pending future restrictions. We may offer a public Zoom meeting to stay informed.

Thanks for everyone’s support and help to Save Oceanside Sand!

Elise Wetherell – Publisher
Dirk Ackema – Editor, Director

Our Mission
!S.O.S.Oceanside! is a local group of advocates for sustainable sandy beaches in Oceanside. Working with local, regional, state, and federal authorities, we will encourage the City to seek a solution which will protect and preserve our beaches from coastal erosion and winter storms. A scientific solution will consider environmental issues, safe access, migrating sand, and wave dynamics. Support from local communities, businesses, and residents is essential.

NC Daily Star Staff
NC Daily Star Staffhttps://NCDAILYSTAR.COM
Terry Woods has been a North County resident for over three decades. Community activist, Member Emeritus Vista Chamber of Commerce, Married to Kathy Woods for 48 years, three children, three grandchildren and six grand dogs.
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