SD County Youth Encouraged to Create ‘Counter-Ad’ to Combat Marijuana Use

“Just because it’s legal, doesn’t mean it’s safe”


[Vista, CA] The North Coastal Prevention Coalition (NCPC) has launched its annual ‘420 Remix’ PSA contest open to all middle and high school students in San Diego County. This year’s theme – Just because it’s legal, doesn’t mean it’s safe – instructs teens to create an audio, video or digital counter-ad message to challenge industry claims that marijuana is a ‘natural, harmless, theraputic’ substance (Find facts re: marijuana and adolescents here).
Teen vaping increased 900% between 2011-2015, and nearly 1 in 11 U.S. students have used vaping devices for marijuana (JAMA Pediatrics, 2018). The ‘success’ of JUUL in target-marketing their products to hook teens on nicotine illustrates the power of advertising.
As retail marijuana business and advertising expands throughout San Diego County, NCPC hopes this contest helps youth think about how teens are impacted by marketing, and encourages them to use their creativity to create ads steering their peers away from marijuana use.

Contest entries must be received by Tuesday, March 31, 2020. Finalists will go through an online public voting process, and winners will be selected and judged by a panel of NCPC’s board and members. First place winner may receive up to $250 cash. Winners will be featured on NCPC’s website, at NCPC’s annual ‘420 Remix – Celebration of Sober and Drug Free Life Choices’ event held at Boomers in Vista April 20, and in local media outlets as funding permits.
For more information about the rules and details of the contest please visit under the “Get Involved” tab.
About the North Coastal Prevention Coalition
The North Coastal Prevention Coalition aims to reduce the harm of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other drugs in the cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside and Vista through community action, education, support and collaboration. Funded in part by the County of San Diego, HHSA, Behavioral Health Services, with a contract to Vista Community Clinic. Visit THEMES:
 School-based prevention programs that have been tested and proven effective focus on building drug resistance skills, general self-regulation and social skills, and/or changing normative expectations regarding inaccurate beliefs about the high prevalence of substance use (PMC, 2011)
 Marijuana is a harmful drug and its use should be prevented among youth ages 12-25 – not promoted.
 Marijuana is addictive and unsafe especially for use by young people. The adolescent brain is particularly susceptible to THC’s harmful and addictive effects.
 Today’s marijuana has higher concentrations of THC levels which may increase youth treatment rates and unknown health consequences
 Marijuana has serious long-term negative impacts on youth brain development, mental health, academic success and, career/job prospects.


Marijuana and youth:

 Marijuana is the primary drug of choice for youth ages 12-17 in County funded drug treatment.
 Marijuana use is associated with attention and memory problems, slower brain processing and difficulty with problem-solving which hurt school performance. Early marijuana usage over the long term lowers a person’s IQ.
 School-age youth are using marijuana at an alarming rate which adversely impacts school achievement and overall graduation rates.


 Highlight youth involvement in the community regarding prevention efforts
 Highlight the alcohol and drug-related issues occurring among youth
 Educate the community about the potential harms of youth marijuana use