Shop Safely Over the Holiday Season


During the holidays, criminals are working overtime and they are looking for any opportunity to steal your purse, wallet or packages when you are out shopping. It is easy to become distracted when checking your shopping list or talking with shop staff or friends, but crime prevention specialists say you need to pay attention to your surroundings. Make sure you are cautious in the store and when getting in and out of your vehicle in the parking lot outside.

Captain Justin White, the Vista San Diego County Sheriff’s Captain, reports deputies will also be on alert at various shopping centers throughout the city to keep shoppers safe.

These crime prevention tips may help keep the thieves away while out shopping:

Shop during the day when possible and shop with a friend.
Be aware of your surroundings.
Don’t overload your arms with packages and bags while shopping.
Park in a well-lit area.
Have your keys out and ready when approaching your car.
Be aware of how you carry your purse or wallet. Would it be easy for someone to take it?
When out at the malls and stores shopping, lock your car doors and take valuables with you.
When storing items purchased at the stores, place them out of sight. The best place is in a locked trunk.