Soon It Will Feel (And Look) Like Fall In Carlsbad Village


Officially, the Fall season started a little over four weeks ago on September 22nd. However, with 80 and even 90 degree temperatures, it hasn’t felt much like Fall at all in Carlsbad Village. With our cooler temperatures (now in the low 70’s), it’s starting to feel a bit post-Summer, but we still need a little help. Thanks to the generous sponsorship of First Team Carlsbad Village, and a matching grant from the City of Carlsbad, a little Fall magic is coming our way.

Starting early November, Monica Martin, a former Foundry artist and local resident, will be adorning business windows throughout the Village with a Fall motif. Even if the leaves in the Village don’t actually change color, the ones on downtown business windows will! Monica has painted many downtown windows for the holidays and celebratory occasions. This year, she will be bringing some seasonal visual delight to our businesses through her artwork.

This temporary public art project will be provided to downtown businesses free of charge. It is a way to engage the public with our local, small businesses, and help bring attention to their efforts to continue thriving amidst these difficult times.

CVA would also like for you to SAVE THE DATE of Saturday, November 28th to come downtown to celebrate Small Business Saturday with us in Carlsbad Village. Let’s celebrate small businesses like never before. Stay tuned for details on the CVA website ( and be sure to follow us on Instagram and on Facebook.

Also, stay tuned for a Village Treasure Hunt coming to our downtown for the month of November.

Fall is starting to look better already!