Soroptimist Live Your Dream Awards Gala April 3 in Vista

Soroptimists to Honor 8 Women


VISTA, California, March 8, 2020—Tickets are on sale now for Soroptimist International of Vista and North County Inland’s “Live Your Dream” Awards Gala on Friday, April 3rd from 5 pm to 8:30 pm at the Shadowridge Golf Club, 1980 Gateway Drive, Vista. Soroptimists will hand out a total of $24,000 to eight recipients, all of whom are single head-of-household women attending local area colleges. All have overcome enormous obstacles, such as homelessness, domestic violence, and addiction and are pursuing degrees to better their employment prospects and improve their lives and the lives of their families. Six of the women are receiving the club’s annual Live Your Dream award, and two more women will receive scholarships from The Soroptimist Foundation, a separate entity established as a testamentary trust when Soroptimist Lucille Strachan passed away in 1983.

Guests will begin their Gala experience with a 5 p.m. Welcome Reception with no-host bar, and auction of gift baskets. The program includes guest speaker Sylvia Becker-Hill, founder of the Becker-Hill Women’s Empowerment School.

Reservations and meal choices must be made by March 26. Tickets are $50 per plate, and Event and Table Sponsorships are available starting at $600. Proceeds benefit future education awards for women. Tickets may be purchased online at or by contacting Gala Co-Chairs Lani Beltrano at 760-717-0873 or Karen Del Bene at by the March 26 deadline. Meal choices are salmon, chicken, beef or vegan. See

Soroptimist International of Vista and North County Inland (SI Vista/NCI) is part of a women’s global volunteer organization that provides women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment. This March marks our club’s 67th year of service to the community. We are a dynamic group of women in Vista, San Marcos, and Escondido who seek to make a difference in our community by offering educational grants to local women and by raising awareness about issues affecting women and girls, such as domestic violence and human trafficking. Funds are raised through our annual Casino Night and Quartermania fundraisers, Scrip, and other club and personal projects. The club holds lunch and evening meetings at various locations and times in North County. For more information see or email #soroptimistsatwork #liveyourdream #simakingchange

Jackie Piro Huyck, Director of Public Awareness, SI Vista/NCI

Cellphone: 760-497-4635

Proud member of: Soroptimist International of Vista and North County Inland