Summer Semester Enrollment Surges at Palomar College


SAN MARCOS, CA (June 5, 2020) — Palomar College is on track to have one of its busiest summers ever, in terms of enrollment, as the number of students enrolled is now 4.7 percent higher than last year, with Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) figures up by 7.5 percent.

“These numbers show that students are taking advantage of our newly expanded remote learning opportunities to pursuetheir goals this summer,” said Acting Superintendent/President Dr. Jack Kahn. “We plan to continue providing high quality remote instruction, and applaud all of the students who are making the most of this situation to further their education.”

The first 4-week “Fast Track” classes of the summer began on May 26; another 4-week session, along with 6-week and 8-weekoptions, begins on June 22. A third and final Fast Track session runs July 20 through Aug. 14. Click here to view the class schedule online.

In early April, college officials announced the extension of remote learning for the summer semester, and in May revealedplans to keep most classes online in the fall, with certain labs resuming in-person instruction in San Marcos.

The decisions were made as part of the ongoing effort to protect students, faculty and staff and comply with California’ssocial distancing measures during the nationwide COVID-19 crisis.

“While we at Palomar College remain focused on student success, our top priority will always be the safety and well-beingof our students,” said Dr. Kahn. “So we are thrilled to see so many taking advantage of these remote courses that provide instruction without any additional risk of exposure to COVID-19.”