The Vista Solar Experience Debuts at Vista Civic Center Saturday, August 10

Vista residents encouraged to learn the facts before going solar


Vista, Calif. (July 30, 2019) – Vista was selected as a host city for the San Diego Solar Experience, a regional initiative presented by nonprofit Climate Action Campaign and sponsored by local solar firm, Sullivan Solar Power. More than one hundred educational solar seminars have taken place across Southern California over the past three years and residents of Vista will now have the opportunity to attend a local event. These educational events have grown in popularity in part to a growing demand for independent and accurate facts about solar power for homeowners.

More than 149,000 solar power systems have been installed in San Diego Gas & Electric utility territory, making southern California a global leader in the adoption of rooftop solar. Unfortunately, this rapid growth has resulted in some solar companies engaging in high-pressure sales tactics. Some companies also use misleading and outdated information about financial incentives that no longer apply, according to industry watchdogs.

Go Solar California, a leading solar power industry advocacy campaign, previously issued a consumer alert. According to the organization, there have been reports of solar companies “throughout California attempting to generate sales through unscrupulous methods.”

To help clear up this misinformation, a team of nonprofit experts and certified energy practitioners will help interested homeowners in Vista overcome any confusion about going solar at the Vista Solar Experience. The seminar will also walk homeowners through battery storage options for those looking to maximize savings, future-proof solar investment and to keep a back-up power supply source.

“This seminar put to bed a lot of the myths out there,” said Joel Versh, a solar experience attendee, “It was good to get real information on the existing rebates and the pros and cons of solar. It was a wonderful experience.”

Attendees of the Vista Solar Experience will also learn how solar works, the effects of time-of- use rates, financing options, how to choose a solar provider, the state battery rebate program and more.

The Vista Solar Experience is taking place on Saturday, August 10, from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at the Morris B. Vance Community Room located in the Vista Civic Center at 200 Civic Center Dr, Vista, CA 92084. Light refreshments will be provided. For more information or to RSVP for this seminar, visit