Update on Vehicle Miles Traveled


We wanted to update you regarding vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and let you know that the updated Transportation Study Guide (TSG) is currently planned to be presented to the Board of Supervisors for consideration on September 28, 2022.

The TSG describes the process and procedures for project applicants to use when preparing transportation analyses for projects in the unincorporated area. If adopted, projects could use the TSG immediately as the basis to address the transportation effects of projects. We will continue to provide updates and please continue to monitor the VMT website (https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/pds/SB743.html) for updates regarding the upcoming Board of Supervisors meeting on the updated TSG.

The updated TSG was also presented to the Planning Commission on Friday, July 22, 2022, and they provided the following recommendations to the Board of Supervisors:

VMT Average – Return to using an unincorporated VMT average when evaluating new projects instead of using a regional average that includes VMT from incorporated cities
VMT Threshold – Reconsider the threshold for determining whether a project’s VMT impacts are significant. The State Office of Planning and Research recommends, and the Board of Supervisors directed, that new projects should produce 15% less VMT than the regional average to not have significant VMT impacts. The Planning Commission recommended using only the regional average as the threshold for VMT (not 15% below the regional threshold).
Infill Areas (locations with higher densities and populations, more intersections, and proximity to jobs)
Only exclude very high fire severity hazard zones from the Infill Areas (keep high fire hazard areas in Infill Areas). 
Affordable Housing – Define affordable housing as 120% area median income (AMI).  Affordable housing is not explicitly defined in the draft TSG. However, studies supporting the reduced VMT of affordable developments were based on deed-restricted affordable developments according to State definitions of affordability.

The Planning Commission’s recommendations will be provided to the Board of Supervisors when the draft TSG is presented.

If you have any questions about VMT or the updated TSG, please contact Jacob Armstrong at Jacob.Armstrong@sdcounty.ca.gov or at the following phone number: (619) 756-2463.