Vista C.A.R.E.s Business Walk – May 31, 10:30am-2:30pm


The Vista Village Business Association (VVBA) and City of Vista are holding the Vista C.A.R.E.s Downtown Business Walk on Thursday, May 31, 2018 from 10:30am to 2:30pm. Volunteer teams of two will call on Downtown Vista businesses in an effort to gain an understanding of the issues facing them today. We would like to have your participation if you are available.

The VVBA will be handing out bags filled with information about local businesses in the BID with coupons, advertisements and sample products to the business being surveyed. If you are interested in having something in the bag being passed out please contact Traci Lawson at or stoping by her shop, “Apothecary off Main” to drop off the items.


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