Vista Chamber of Commerce December Government Affairs Hears from California Business Network


By TR Robertson
Robert Carr, Program Manager for the California Green Business Network Certification and the City of Vista Collaboration, gave a power point presentation to the Vista Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee outlining the program offered to businesses in Vista. The purpose of the program is to help businesses become more sustainable. Listed as Green Business 101, Robert said the Green Business Network provides free technical and financial assistance, offers a framework, recognizes and promotes green accomplishments as businesses become certified as they qualify as a Green business. He said there are currently over 5,000 business in California that have been certified, 48 Green Business programs offered and 32 business sectors. This also represents 161 million gallons of water that has been saved by these businesses and over 11.6 million dollars in utility bills saved. Robert said becoming a green business is good for the environment, provides savings for businesses, improves employee wellness, increases business, prevents pollution and avoids waste, and conserves energy. Businesses that complete the certification process also receive free promotion as a Green business. The types of businesses that can apply include offices, retail, restaurants, hotels, breweries, auto repair and many others. There are multiple levels a business can apply for in the certification process. Businesses can choose what levels they want to be certified for. Applications and visitations to the business are required to be certified. The California Green Business Network.
Governmental Updates
Salome Tash from Congressman Mike Levin’s Office – The Congressman is beginning his 4th term in Congress. The veteran’s package of bills the Congressman has been part of passes Congress and moves on to the Senate. The Congressman is working on bills related to the storage of spent fuel nuclear waste.
Ryan Ewart from Assembly Member Laurie Davies Office – New members have been sworn in to the Assembly. There is a reduction in the number of bills that can be introduced. The Assembly Member will be hosting a Holiday Open House on Dec. 12th from 3-5:30 at the Oceanside Office.
Josh Sino Cruz from the City of Vista – Election results will be announced December 10th. The new council will be sworn in at the next meeting. There will be an updating of the proposed Bike Ordinance. Committee appointments will soon be finalized. Brengle Terrace Holiday Light Show will last until December 31st. Trader Joe’s is now open. The Tree Lighting ceremony is Sunday December 9th. Downtown Vista is decorated for the holidays.
Rachel Beld, CEO Vista Chamber of Commerce – The Vista Parade was held Saturday, December 8th. The State of the Community will be Monday, January 27th, 11am-1:30pm. Heores of Vista will be March 14th, and nominations are open but will soon close.
The next meeting of the Government Affairs Committee will be at noon February 6th.