Vista City Council Meeting Highlights from Feb 13th


1. Proclamation declaring, Wednesday, February 14th, 2018, Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps Day” in the City of Vista. Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps gifted a check to Moonlight Presents for $75,000.00.

Dr. Bronner’s presents check to Moonlight

2. A presentation from the Skateboard Community was made by Alec Beck of the Tony Hawke Foundation, who raised contributions through the GoFundMe site of $718.00, which was given to the City of Vista to be used for the skateparks.

Alec Beck, Tony Hawke Foundation

3. New Downtown Art Coming to Vista – A new piece of art will be added downtown on Main Street, across the street from the Village Café restaurant. The City Council approved the installation of a peace pole titled “May Peace Prevail on Earth” during its February 13 Council meeting. The eight-foot high vinyl pole will be white with black lettering and the phrase “May Peace Prevail on Earth” will be inscribed in eight different languages: English, Spanish, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Samoan, Persian, and the written language, Braille.

The sculpture is being donated by the United Methodist Church of Vista and a 2×3 inch plaque will be placed at the bottom of the pole reading “Gift from the United Methodist Church of Vista”. The City of Vista’s Public Works Department will install the peace pole sculpture within the next six to eight weeks.

4. Wakeland Grove Senior Affordable Housing – A request was made to increase the amount for the contractor of this housing. A vote was taken with 4 votes Yes and 1 vote no from City Councilman Joe Green.

5. The VVBA gave a report related to the administration of the Central Vista Business Improvement District for the second quarter of Fiscal Year 2017/18, and they currently have $35,000 in the bank.

6. Council received an update on medical marijuana options for permitting medical marijuana retailers, delivery, cultivation and testing. After much discussion, Council directed the staff to do more research and possibly set up a Workshop.

7. Solutions for Change requested $5,000,000 for funding and project support. After discussion, the consensus of the City Council was not to fund the requested project.


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