Vista Firefighters to Hold “Fill the Boot” Event on March 9,2023


Your Vista Firefighters will be staffing the intersection of Vista Village Drive and Sante Fe Ave. on March 9,2023, between the hours of 0630-0930 am, to help firefighters all across the county raise money for our friends at the San Diego Burn Institute.
What began over 20 years ago as a grassroots effort backed by the fire service, the Burn Institute’s countywide Boot Drive has become the hallmark fundraiser for them, raising an average of 200,000 dollars for the Burn Institutes programs and services.
Each year, firefighters from all across the county come together at intersections in their communities, collecting donations from motorists who help to “fill the boot” with their spare change- donations of $1, $5, $20, and yes even $100!!

All of the monies collected go directly to the Burn Institute to fund their programs and services- most notably “Camp Beyond the Scars”- a camp for burn survivors between the ages of 8-17 years old.

Your Vista Firefighters are always amazed at the generosity of our community, and look forward to meeting you March 9th! Grab your coffee, buckle up the kids, and swing by on the way to work or school drop off!