Sunday, December 22, 2024
HomeVistaPoliticsVista Government Affairs Hears About Proposed Vista Live Music Ordinance

Vista Government Affairs Hears About Proposed Vista Live Music Ordinance

By TR Robertson
The December meeting of the Vista Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee heard from Kathy Valdez, City Clerk for the City of Vista, concerning the proposed changes to the playing of amplified music outdoors, currently requested by 4-5 businesses in Vista.
The current ordinance requires a permit for music played outdoors, but only non-amplified music is allowed on the patios. Amplified music is allowed inside only with windows and doors closed. The proposed changes that will be heard and discussed at the December 14th City Council meeting would allow for live entertainment amplified outdoor music and at semi-outdoor businesses, with a permit required.

Proposed hours for the music would be Monday thru Thursday from 5-9 pm, Friday 5-10 pm, Saturday noon-10 pm and Sunday noon-9 pm. Businesses could request for extended hours on holidays on a case-by-case basis. Noise levels approved would have a 75 dBA leq for outdoors and 60 dBA leq indoors. Enforcement policies would consist of three citation levels, one for a first-time complaint, and a second or third that would require restrictions for the noise levels and installation of a sound meter for monitoring. Permit Licenses could also be revoked. The City Council meeting on December 14th will begin at 5:30 pm and there will be a sound expert present to answer questions.

Next on the agenda was a presentation by SDG&E Public Affairs Manager Joe Gabaldon presenting the Building a Better Future with Sustainability proposals for the company. The Mission of SDG&E is to improve lives and communities with a goal of being a reliable energy infrastructure company in America. A lengthy list of environmental strategies was listed such as addressing air pollution and exploring innovative solutions for decarbonization. Their sustainability goals also included making all fleet vehicles electric or hydrogen powered by 2035, completing two hydrogen projects by 2022 and providing opportunities through diversity and equality programs. For more information go to or You can also email with questions.

Kathy Valdez, City of Vista – numerous coffee shops are proposed or scheduled to open in the downtown Vista area. The Rylan location, Mom’s Kitchen, the current Wavelength space and more. Handel’s Ice cream is currently under construction. Baby in Bloom is open in the former Vista Chamber location on Main and Habit Burger is now open next to Starbucks in the location across from Food for Less Grocery store on Hacienda. Chick-fil-A is under construction as is the new Panera location. CoLab Brewery is also in the planning stages.

Re-zoning of various properties in Vista will be discussed at the December 7th Planning Commission meeting. The City Council will also begin the process for re-zoning of the 4 Vista Districts. During the month of December recruitment will be underway for various commissions and boards in the city. Kevin Ham has announced he will be retiring at the end of the year and a search is underway for his replacement. A reception will be held for him on December 20th at 3 pm at the Civic Center.

Kristal Jabara from Supervisor Jim Desmond’s Office – the process of evaluating the various district maps is now underway. Public input can be made to the Supervisor’s Office. The Supervisors voted to support the American Coast and Oceans Protection Act. A Gang Summit featuring representation from numerous agencies and departments was recently held in Vista.

Jessica Ramirez from Congressman Mike Levin’s Office – the infrastructure law recently passed that will fund road, bridge, water recycling repairs and much more. Build Back Better Act passed the House and is now in the Senate. The Congressman’s bill to support the building and renaming of San Diego VA Medical Centers. Locations for temporary storage of spent nuclear fuel from San Onofre is being finalized.

Jonathan Aviles from Senator Pat Bates Office – the Legislature is still in recess until January. The local offices are still open and dealing with assisting individuals needing help with various issues from small business grants and loans to DMV issues.

Aaron Byzak from Tri-City Hospital – Various 60th anniversary projects and displays are now in place at Tri-City. A new online profession and occupation website will soon be available for individuals to explore a number of jobs, job details, references and other information. More on the project later.

Chamber News – Saturday is the return of the Vista Chamber Christmas Parade in Downtown Vista. Applications are still available for small business grants. The State of the Community for Vista will be held on January 24th at the Vista Civic Center. March 18th will be the Heroes of Vista Celebration and applications are being accepted for nominations for many of the categories.

NC Daily Star Staff
NC Daily Star Staffhttps://NCDAILYSTAR.COM
Terry Woods has been a North County resident for over three decades. Community activist, Member Emeritus Vista Chamber of Commerce, Married to Kathy Woods for 48 years, three children, three grandchildren and six grand dogs.
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