John or Taz Who Will Win Vista District 4


The City of Vista is switching from an at-large election system (where voters of the entire city elect all City Council members) to a by-district election system (where the city is divided into districts and voters in each district select one council representative who lives in that district) via a resolution passed by the City Council on March 28, 2017. The City Council formally adopted a map via an ordinance that sets the boundaries for each of the four districts on June 13, 2017.

The north central district (District 1) and the south district (District 4) will elect their council representative in 2018. The east (District 2) and west (District 3) districts’ elections will be held in 2020. The Mayor will continue to be elected at-large by all voters of Vista.

Council Member John Franklin is running for re-election. Tazheen Nizam is a first time candidate. James Stuckrad did not schedule an interview. The purpose of these interviews is to help you get to know the person who wants to lead the city for the next four years.


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