Vista Teen Outreach Requests Holiday Food Basket Donations


(VISTA, CA) — September 12, 2019 — There are 1,800 kids in the Vista School District that are qualified homeless. These are students without a regular home, living in a car, camper, shelters, and multiple families under one roof. Vista Teen Outreach (VTO) is a local non-profit that has set out to see that no child goes hungry and has access to items they need for daily hygiene.

Each Thanksgiving holiday, VTO supplies over 220 families with holiday food baskets, complete with items for the holiday dinner, as well as other food items to supplement during the school holiday break. The total cost to make this happen is approximately $6,000 in food, gift card, and monetary donations. The organization is currently looking for assistance with the fundraising initiative.

“Since our organization relies on the generosity of organizations, we are asking local businesses, organizations, and community members support our annual holiday basket effort and consider a tax-free donation. We are looking for gift cards, food, and cash donations,” comments Debbie Medrano, co-founder of Vista Teen Outreach.

In addition to the annual holiday basket programs, with the support of local businesses, VTO has set up a food and toiletry pantry in 17 middle schools and high schools throughout Vista.

Organizations interested in donating to the Holiday Food Basket program can visit or call Debbie Medrano at 760-390-2932. | | Tax Id #45-5463984