Volunteers Needed for California’s Premiere Viking Festival


Vista, Ca. – Vista Viking Festival is a very big Thing. In the Old Norse World, a large gathering of the folk was called a Thing. The annual Viking Festival is our biggest Thing of the year. It takes hundreds of volunteers to create California’s Premiere Viking Festival and Norse Heritage event. Volunteer to help us bring Viking History to Life. With Community Support. There is work to be done now, so sign up today. Many Hands make light the load, and a good time was had by all.
There are volunteer opportunities in many areas: Bar/Food
Scandinavian Genealogy Booth Grounds, and Facilities Hospitality Booth
KidZone Parking Security
…lots more.
Maybe you are just curious to know more about the Vista Viking Festival.

Shifts are generally 2 hours long and volunteers get free entrance. Apply here to be part of the Festival Family. http://www.vistavikingfestival.com/volunteer-viking-fest/
Vista Viking Festival Tickets are on sale now at https://www.simpletix.com/…/vista-viking-festival…

Online ticket prices are $20 for adults, $10 for youth, and $5 for kids.
Pre-sales of $20 end Sept 12th. After that online ticket sales will be at the full gate price of $25.

But we expect to sell out in our online sales

The producers of the festival share a commitment to preserving and promoting Norwegian, and Norwegian-American culture and heritage. To conserve and celebrate our Norse history and heritage with living history and cultural activities. To support and contribute to our community. To bring a truly unique cultural and entertainment festival experience to Vista, California.

Sons Of Norway – Norge Lodge #6-060, Norwegian Fish Club Odin, Norway Hall Foundation, a Nonprofit California Corporation 501 (C) (3),
