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Volunteers Needed for the San Marcos Business Walk

The City of San Marcos and the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce are looking for a few select individuals to volunteer as Business Ambassadors to meet with San Marcos business owners to help gather information during our Annual Business Walk Program on Wednesday, November 29, 2017.

As a representative of the City of San Marcos and the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce the goal will be to focus on gathering information from businesses in order to develop future plans.

Business Ambassadors will visit local businesses in pairs to collect information that will help identify barriers (if any) to business growth and development. The information collected will aid to guide the development of future strategies to assist businesses. In order to further develop relationships between the City of San Marcos and the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce and maximize the opportunity for networking, business pairs will be created by the Chamber and may include the pairing a mix of City and/or Chamber Volunteers (depending upon availability). The Chamber’s goal for Business Volunteers is to pair each individual with someone new, in order to aid volunteers to build new relationships.

Date: Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Staging Area: City of San Marcos
Valley of Discover Room, City Hall
Two Available Volunteer Timeframes:
Session 1: 9 AM – 11 AM
Session 2: 1 PM – 3 PM
Advance Online Signup Required

Responsibilities include:
•Participate in training and orientation session on Wednesday, November 29.
•Make a visit to assigned businesses to conduct a conversational style interview using the San Marcos Business Walk visitation survey.
•Complete the survey for each business by inputting data from business interviews.
•Provide feedback on the San Marcos Business Walk program and survey questions.

Qualifications: •Enthusiastic, reliable, friendly
•Ability to communicate professionally and effectively
•Strong listening and data collection skills
•Understanding of confidentiality in regards to business concerns
•Willingness to work within project timeframe

Time Commitment: •Available Business Walk Volunteer Sessions:
•Session 1: 9 AM – 11 AM or
•Session 2: 1 PM – 3 PM

Benefits: •Meet local business owners
•Awareness of local business issues
•Contribute to your community
•Gain familiarity of area businesses
•Potential to meet and develop relationship within partner pair
•Potential to meet and become acquainted with all volunteers present at either the 9 AM and/or 1 PM sessions
•Name recognition and business branding in post San Marcos Business Walk thank you posted to San Marcos Chamber?s news features and with link from a brief in the Chamber?s weekly e-Newsletter
•Update your LinkedIn profile to include your Business Volunteer work (shows your Community Spirit; visibly demonstrates your willingness to grow, experience new adventures, help local businesses, and aid the City of San Marcos and the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce to acquire highly relevant business information)
•Update your resume to include your Business Volunteer work (see foregoing reason under LinkedIn)
•Are you a college student with community service hours to fulfill? This would be a perfect opportunity for you (in addition to expanding the experience portion of your resume)

Advanced signup and reservation required. Applications to participate accepted until all slots are filled.

NC Daily Star Staff
NC Daily Star Staffhttps://NCDAILYSTAR.COM
Terry Woods has been a North County resident for over three decades. Community activist, Member Emeritus Vista Chamber of Commerce, Married to Kathy Woods for 48 years, three children, three grandchildren and six grand dogs.


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