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HomeNORTH COUNTYWhen Rent is More than a Transaction…

When Rent is More than a Transaction…

It is easy to consider rent just another bill at the end of the month. Send the check off to your landlord. Take up occupancy in your space for another month. The cycle continues. But what if rent was more than a payment? What if rent allowed older adults to age in place without isolation? What if rent allowed someone on the brink of homelessness to have stable housing for years?
What would happen if rent was more than a transaction and actually became a transformation?
This question has been at the heart of ElderHelp’s HomeShare program for over 25 years. So what is it and how does it work?
HomeShare is a roommate matching service that requires each match has at least one person who is over the age of 60.
We enroll seekers (those looking for housing), and providers (those with a room to share).
Both parties are fully vetted through reference checks, a health questionnaire, and a background check. We interview candidates to create a potential match based on their preferences. The match agreement can be a rental or service exchange agreement. A rental agreement is purely rent based whereas a service exchange means that a seeker provides services to the provider in exchange for either a reduced rent or no rent. Services can include companionship, transportation, yard work, or meal prep. The services cannot be hands on care.
Contract guidelines at times require that providers live in specific areas. We’re proudly connecting residents in The City of San Diego, Poway, and most recently, Vista. Seekers can live anywhere in San Diego County when applying for HomeShare.
Now, it’s great to know our process, but what does that process produce? In other words, where’s the transformation?
Our longest match is over 15 years and our average match length is over 4 years.
89% of our clients feel their quality of life is better.
74% of our clients feel safer at home.
94% of our clients believe they are more likely to remain independent.
Far beyond fiscal benefits and financial security is improving lives through stable housing. A client shares, “Peace of mind is a big thing. Knowing that ElderHelp is there is a big thing.” Our clients know the security of their lives is improved with stable housing. They know better days are ahead. They know they are safe. They know they will be able to stay independent longer. They can age with dignity every second of everyday. In short, their lives are transformed.
It all starts when you take the first step to HomeShare. Are you willing to make rent more than a transaction? Visit and give it a try.

NC Daily Star Staff
NC Daily Star Staffhttps://NCDAILYSTAR.COM
Terry Woods has been a North County resident for over three decades. Community activist, Member Emeritus Vista Chamber of Commerce, Married to Kathy Woods for 48 years, three children, three grandchildren and six grand dogs.
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