Woman’s Club of Vista Assists Families with Food Insecurity


October 2, 2024, Vista, CA – The Woman’s Club of Vista (WCV) volunteered for a two-hour shift in the Vista warehouse of the Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank on Saturday, September 21, 2024 as part of a global Day of Service organized by the Greater Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC).

Eleven members of WCV filled hundreds of pantry bags in assembly-line fashion. Working as a team, WCV contributed 21 hours of service, and more importantly, filled two huge bins overflowing with pantry bags that will be available to families in North County who need help with groceries.

WCV, a member club of the GFWC, was one of over 1,000 clubs that participated in the 2024 GFWC National Day of Service, spotlighting food insecurity and hunger in communities across the nation and around to world to bring about positive change

WCV is a 501(c)(3) organization whose purpose is to enrich lives through philanthropy and volunteer service in Vista, CA and North San Diego County. Donations and new members are always welcome. Visit the website at https://thewomansclubofvista.org/