344 Palomar College Students Received Free Computers and Food


SAN MARCOS, CA — Students lined up in their cars and on foot to pick up their free computer from Palomar College during a limited-contact distribu9on on Wednesday, March 18. In all, 344 students received computers that will help them take online courses as the college transi9ons to remote delivery of courses star9ng Monday, March 30. This opportunity for Palomar’s students was enabled by a leadership giI from Darlene Shiley, in partnership with the nonprofit Computers2Kids, San Diego.

So many cars lined up to get into the distribu9on point in the front parking lots of the college, that at one point traffic backed up on West Mission Avenue. Even the Computers2Kids truck had difficulty geQng to the college due to the number of students taking advantage of the computer giveaway.

“Our hearTelt thanks to Darlene Shiley and all of the staff who made it possible to provide this extraordinary student support,” said Ac9ng Superintendent/President Dr. Jack Kahn. “Even in the midst of a global health crisis, the Palomar community is pulling together to meet the needs of our students.”
“It was truly humbling and heartwarming to witness this display of generosity and solidarity during such challenging 9mes for our students, staff and community,” said Stacy Rungai9s, Execu9ve Director for the Palomar College Founda9on. “We owe special gra9tude to Darlene Shiley for making it possible to put these computers into the hands of students who are really going to need them to con9nue their educa9on.”

College staff from the Anita & Stan Maag Food & Nutri9on Center were also on hand, distribu9ng free food to students in need of nutri9onal assistance.

The dona9on of emergency funding for student computers also established the Darlene Shiley Challenge Emergency Fund Campaign, administered by the Palomar College Founda9on. Those who wish to par9cipate in the challenge in support of Palomar’s students can find informa9on on the Palomar College Founda9on website.

Meanwhile, the Food & Nutri9on Center at Palomar has been serving students con9nuously as the COVID-19 outbreak developed, and will con9nue to provide free food while restric9ng face- to-face contact. The outdoor distribu9on point is aligned with the concept of social distancing as recommended by public health officials.