$4.4 Million Business Loan Program Approved By Carlsbad Council


Thanks to a unanimous vote Tuesday by the Carlsbad City Council, hundreds of small businesses in our city will now have access to very low-interest loans to help during the COVID-19 recovery phase. The Carlsbad City Council has approved a $5 million economic revitalization package to help businesses affected by COVID-19. The majority of the funding, $4.4 million, is for micro loans and small business recovery loans directly to Carlsbad small businesses. With a simplified application process and streamlined funding, the City is making an effort to provide businesses with what they need the most based on feedback taken during webinar polls held by the city in collaboration with the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and the Carlsbad Village Association. That feedback helped City staff design the loan program to address the specific needs of Carlsbad’s small businesses. The application will be available later in May. For more information on this loan program, visit the city’s webpage here. For regular updates, you can also email chris@carlsbad-village.com to be added to CVA’s business email notification list