Wildfire: Make a Plan and Get Notifications


The City of Vista is committed to keeping the community safe, especially during an emergency. For the community, learning how to adapt to a year round wildfire season, and planning and preparing in the event of a fire long before a wildfire threatens will ensure we are all ready.
Create a Wildfire Action Plan
Your Wildfire Action Plan must be prepared, and familiar to all members of your household well in advance of a wildfire. Use the checklist below to help create your plan.

Keep COVID-19 in Mind
Make sure your plan considers the COVID-19 pandemic. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, if or when the warning comes to evacuate, everyone must heed those warnings in order to save life and property.

Ask friends or relatives outside your area if you would be able to stay with them, should the need arise. If you do need to evacuate and plan to stay with friends or relatives, ask first if they have symptoms of COVID-19 or have people in their home at higher risk for serious illness. If that is the case, make other arrangements. Check with hotels, motels and campgrounds to learn if they are open.