Local Chevron Owner Holds Extra Mile Store Grand Opening


The Grand Opening of the Chevron Extra Mile Store, located at 1211 E. Vista Way, in Vista, including the ‘When Pigs Fly’ Restaurant, was held all day on Friday November 13, 2019 with Owners Dale and Tammy Ginos. Dale has been operating this location since 1985. Dale stated, “We have gone through five different remodels. Two remodels as auto service bays, we did a big remodel when we added more fueling pumps, we did another remodel when we added the car wash, and added the convenience store. The last remodel was a complete re-face when we added the Extra Mile Store.

James Schmude is the Extra Mile Representative for San Diego County. “We are holding a Grand Opening today to bring awareness to the community around us. The Extra Mile here offers a unique blend of products and services that you don’t see in a regular Food Mart. We want people to come in and visit and see the experience and product selections. This is our only Extra Mile with a Barbeque Restaurant, ‘When Pigs Fly’. I highly recommend the Barbeque”.

“There has been a lot of construction in Chevrons history. The store was totally revamped from a Chevron Food Mart to an Extra Mile Store. New products have been introduced as a benefit to the community, so we welcomed everybody in. Extra Mile, means we have a franchise backing us for support, not as an individual owner. There are more benefits to the consumer and the buying power is so much better. Items are much cheaper and the quality of the products are much better, because I have the Franchise behind me now,” Dale said.

Starting in City Heights, San Diego, The Ginos family has just celebrated their 62nd year in service station business.

Hours are 24/7, for the Extra Mile Store. ‘When Pigs Fly BBQ’ hours are from 6 am – 7 pm Monday-Thursday, and Fri-Sat till 8pm. “We have an awesome breakfast burrito a breakfast bowl,” said Dale.
