Carlsbad State Street Repaving Completed With Finishing Touches To Come VIDEO


A silver lining to these very challenging times is that the City of Carlsbad was able to use the time during the Stay At Home Order, while most businesses have been closed, to complete a much-needed project. Due to their aggressive schedule, the project was finished weeks ahead of schedule so that once businesses start opening up, there won’t be any disruptions to keep them from getting back on their feet as quickly as possible. With the work schedule increased to 12-hour days and six-day weeks, State Street will not only drain better during our rainy season but will also be much nicer looking when the Village reopens. Crews will be striping the street on Monday, April 27. In order to help expedite striping and project completion, this portion of the road will be closed to traffic Monday, April 27 from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. Striping will be noticed in advance via on-site signage and access to businesses via sidewalk will be maintained for food pickup, etc. ​​​​​Thank you City of Carlsbad for this silver lining. Check out the City’s State Street Video for a fun look at the project as it unfolded before our eyes.