California, San Diego Out of Drought Danger, for Now


Californians don’t have to worry too much about drought for the foreseeable future.

The state’s Department of Water Resources said Tuesday’s snowpack survey revealed the snowfall in the Sierra Nevada mountains is above average at roughly 113%.

“You can take a deep breath this year, but don’t quadruple the amount of time in your shower,” joked California Governor Gavin Newsom who was on hand for the survey near Lake Tahoe.

Gov. Gavin Newsom had to wear snowshoes to follow a measuring crew across a meadow south of Lake Tahoe at Phillips Station, where in April 2015 predecessor Jerry Brown stood in a parched, brown field and ordered cities to cut water use by 25% due to drought.

“We’re here nine years later reconciling the extremes, reconciling the extreme weather whiplash, and I think today punctuates the point,” Newsom said in a live stream.