Carlsbad’s Town Halls on Homelessness


The City of Carlsbad would like the community’s input as it prepares to implement a broad package of initiatives designed to meet the City Council’s goal of reducing the number of people experiencing homelessness. Homelessness has emerged as a top community concern in recent years, prompting the City Council to make it one of its top goals.

The city will gather input through four virtual town hall style meetings and an online survey. Topics will include:

Sharing information about the city’s existing programs and upcoming initiatives to reduce homelessness.
Gathering input from the community that will help shape the direction and implementation of the city’s initiatives.
Addressing misinformation about homelessness programs and answering the public’s questions.
Each meeting will be attended by a City Council member from one of the four City Council districts. Residents are encouraged to attend the meeting for their district. To find your district, enter your address in this link or look on this map. All meetings are open to the public. After signing up through the links below, participants will receive a link to the meeting via email. Persons with a disability may request meeting materials in appropriate alternative formats as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Reasonable accommodations and auxiliary aids will be provided to effectively allow participation in the meeting(s). Please contact Sue Armstrong at 760-434-5352 (voice), 711 (free relay service for TTY users) or at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to discuss accessibility needs.