City of Vista Re-Opens Additional Park Amenities as of June 12, 2020


Vista, CA – Effective June 12, 2020, the City of Vista will lift the following usage restrictions for its parks: picnic tables, skate parks, and sports fields for city-approved youth sports practices only (no games). Sports fields are open only to city-sanctioned youth sports groups who have submitted a reopening plan to the Recreation & Community Services Department. This plan will address social distancing measures and safety protocols required by the County of San Diego before practices are approved to resume. Vista’s two skate parks will reopen and resume normal hours, weekdays 7 a.m. – 9 p.m.

As playgrounds are high-touch risks, the City will continue to follow San Diego County public health orders and the playgrounds will remain closed.

The City of Vista reminds the community that facial masks or coverings must be worn when coming within six-feet of someone not in their immediate household unit. Physical distancing is also required throughout the parks.

For more information, visit or call (760) 639-6151.