Construction To Close Part of Hedionda Creek Trail Temporarily


The City is constructing a new sewer pipeline along the Agua Hedionda Creek Trail from the Buena Creek Pump Station to the Green Oak Ranch property line. The project work will use heavy equipment for clearing and digging in the open-trench excavation and will be conducted in a narrow, confined area along the trail. Sewer pumping, and possible rock excavation and removal, along with other related activities, will also take place.

Due to the limited work area for construction and to keep trail users safe from the construction activities, the trails next to the work zone will be closed temporarily to pedestrian traffic until December, 2021. The trail loop on the north side of the creek will remain open and will be closed off at the bridge.

The public can still use the trail; however, users must turn around and should not enter the construction zones from mid-September to the end of project. Signs and fencing will be installed to notify the public where the trail will be closed to pedestrian traffic.

Partial Closure
Mid-September to December, 2021

Engineering Department I 760.639.6111