Corine’s Journey from Homelessness to Leadership

Growing on Her Own Terms:


Corine Blackmore surveyed the Solutions Farms grounds. As Farm Manager, she gracefully handles all the ordering, scheduling and admin work that makes the farm hum along—growing hundreds of fresh produce plants every day.

“The cycle of this aquaponics farm kinda reminds me of the transformation I went through,”

Corine said. “Solutions rooted me, nourished me and helped me grow into the self-sufficient person I am now. And the cycle keeps going. I get to watch the new Solutions students follow in my footsteps as they start to work on the farm.”

Now a confident manager and steadfast mother of two, Corine seems like a far cry from the version of herself that dropped to rock bottom in 2019. That version of Corine was drinking rubbing alcohol and lost custody of her kids. But in just two years, Corine took control at Solutions for Change and never looked back…