EDCO is On the Road to Zero Waste! Vista Residents Visit Facility


EDCO’S recycling facility, Escondido Resource Recovery (ERR), located at 1021 West Mission Avenue in Escondido, is a state-of-the-art, advanced technology facility, the newest in the country, aiming to lead EDCO On the Road to Zero Waste.

Councilmember Joe Green and approximately twenty Vista residents recently toured EDCO’s Escondido Resource Recovery (ERR) recycling facility. Thanks go out to the Elmer Heap Division Manager and Bob Hill Director of Recycling and Marketing for their time and insight.

The 70,000-square foot facility can process 100,000 pounds of commingled recycling per hour using a series of screens, magnets, high-speed optic scanners and conveyors to separate mixed loads of recyclable material. Through this process, ERR is expected to divert from landfills up to 520,000,000,000 (520 billion) pounds of material from jurisdictions throughout the region!

The initial phases of the fully permitted Master Facility Plan now open are the commingled recycling facility and administrative offices, with a mixed-waste processing facility, an anaerobic digester and public education room to follow. Upon the completion of all phases, as well as the existing transfer station and Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) powered collection fleet, ERR will be one of the most innovative facilities of its type.


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