Escondido Art Gallery Dedicated to Children throughout March


The Escondido Art Association will dedicate its gallery to children’s art throughout March for Art Education Month. Through their Kids Kaleidoscope program, K-11 students can submit one piece of art, either 2D or 3D, with a maximum size of 20 inches on all sides, including its frame. The winners will receive art kits in four grade categories.

EAA’s scholarship program is exclusively for graduating seniors from any high school in Escondido. Donations from the Youth Education Fund, the East Escondido Rotary Club and the community at large allows the association to give
$1,000 in scholarships to students.

The awards include $500 for first place, $250 for second place, $150 for third place and two honorable mention awards for $50 each. Submissions close March 2. Learn more in the Coast News Article covering this story.