Flex Our Power Save Our Power


    As part of the Flex Our Power grant program, we are educating our community about Flex Alerts.

    Flex Alerts are a call for Californians to voluntarily conserve energy when there is an anticipated shortage of energy supply, especially if the grid operator needs to conserve power to avoid outages.

    During a Flex Alert, it is particularly important for each of us to focus on when we use energy— not just how much. By moving some of our energy use to the morning or early afternoon, we can align our usage to when cleaner energy is more abundant and there is less strain on our power grid.

    Find out more and sign up for Flex Alerts at SaveOurPower.org.

    About Flex Alerts
    A Flex Alert is a call for Californians to voluntarily conserve energy when there is a predicted shortage of energy supply, especially if the grid operator needs to dip into energy reserves to cover demand. This call will most likely ask for the reduction of energy use for all Californians.

    Flex Alerts are most often called during heatwaves, when energy use is greater, but can be called at any time when the power supply is scarce. This usually happens in the late afternoon and evening hours, between 4:00 PM and 9:00 PM, when renewable resources are less available, but consumers are still using large amounts of energy by switching on air conditioners, lights, and appliances as they finish their day’s work