Four Family’s Complete Solutions For Change 1,000 Day Solutions University


On Monday evening, December 10, 2018, Solutions For Change held their last Graduation Ceremony for 2018. Four family’s graduated from Solutions University by completing a 1,000 Day program. Thirteen other family’s were recognized for completing their first 500 days.
Over 50 families completed the Solutions University in 2018.

The following information was taken from the Graduation Program about Solutions for Change.
Solutions for Change has pioneered an innovative and permanent solution to solve family homelessness. It all starts with a 1,000-day partnership with our families. Working one-on-one with resident parents, we create an individualized case plan to evaluate all the causative factors of the family’s homelessness.

In the first 500 days, families are given the tools to rebuild their foundation through our servant leadership development academy and personal empowerment model. It’s an immersive experience where the parents connect with our support team of professional coaches, counselors and each other while learning and practicing new ways of dealing with old and new problems. People learn to retool a future free of dependency. They are engaged, employed, and empowered to serve for the sake of others, starting with their children, but also as purpose-driven contributors to society.

DECEMBER 10 2018 Graduation CLASS


At Commencement, once stuck mothers and fathers are now emboldened and confident as they begin their next 500 days. They live in one of our off-campus affordable apartment homes, have thousands in savings, are employed, and have the emotional capacity to parent well. Graduation from Solutions University marks the completion of an additional 500 days of putting into practice the skills, knowledge and resources to never be homeless again.

Solutions graduates maintain their roles as leaders and mentors of an ever expanding family dedicated to lifting up others and serving as valuable ambassadors to the hope and promise of a transformed life.


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