FY 2022-23 Budget Conversation with Escondido City Council


The Escondido City Council will resume the discussion of the FY 2022-23 General Fund Operating Budget on June 8, 2022. At the May 11 budget workshop, City Council directed staff to return on June 8 with a balanced budget that does not impact Police, Fire, or Public Works resources. Therefore, City staff will present the City Council with additional options to close the $8.5 million structural budget gap for the next fiscal year. Tough choices will have to be made and could impact the programs and services that you, your family, your organizations, and your friends rely on.

Be a part of this important conversation by speaking at the City Council meeting in person starting at 5 p.m. in Council Chamber located at 201 N. Broadway, Escondido, or submit your comments online at https://bit.ly/3wGQ5ot. Comments submitted online will be read out loud during the meeting.