Home Business Insider Grand Avenue Vision Project

Grand Avenue Vision Project


The Grand Avenue Vision Project is a streetscape improvement project for Escondido’s historic downtown aimed at improving walkability and creating a more pedestrian-friendly environment. The project will narrow Grand Avenue to one lane in each direction, provide wider sidewalks and additional parking opportunities via diagonal parking, and remove center medians. The project will also include the installation of curb bulb-outs at intersections and installation of three roundabouts (at Maple Street, Broadway, and Kalmia Street).

Wayfinding signs and ornamental lighting are proposed, and there will be opportunities for public art. This will be a phased project that will occur over several years as funding becomes available. The City Council approved a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project on July 21, 2021. The first phase is anticipated to begin construction in the fall of 2021.