Hiking, Exploring, Learning, Fun; Lots of Free Stuff to do in July!


    By Gig Conaughton, County of San Diego Communications Office

    It’s the summer of corona virus — and to keep it from spreading we’re staying home more, foregoing big vacations and looking for new ways to entertain and educate kids who have been home for months.

    Well, here’s some good news. There are still some great, fun, free/or inexpensive things that kids, families and adults can do in July. And we’ve got a list!

    For example, you can swap out those big vacations for some shorter, nearby, get-outside, socially distanced adventures at County parks and trails! Or join the County Library’s Summer learning challenge, check out great e-books — or call to check out actual books and material and pick them up at your library’s front door. Virtually tour cool museums, watch science experiments, or learn how to grow stuff, or make stuff.

    Here’s just some of the cool things you can still do in July: