I Kick Myself Everyday

What are some of the characteristics of a solar company


Every week at Cosmic Solar we get at least one call from someone, especially homeowners, saying, “I kick myself everyday for going with that company, can you come and help me?” They missed the warning signs and made a wrong decision with the company they chose. Now they are having problems with their system and either the company does not have the expertise, is not willing to correct it, or may not even respond to their requests for help because they may no longer be in business. Whether our potential customers choose us or not, our hope for them is that they get a good solar system installed, with good quality materials, at a reasonable price, and with a company that will be there for them for the duration of warranty.

What are some of the characteristics of a solar company, or any company for that matter, that people should look for when they are making a major purchase that requires a long term relationship with that company?

1. The most important evidence of a company’s performance is their own customer reviews. What are their past customers saying about their experience with that company? There are a few websites on the internet that give you the history of that company’s past performance. The most important source for solar companies is SolarReviews.com. They have a value up to 5, and they give the number of reviews. So if they have a value of 4.98, and 300 reviews, that is excellent. The best companies of SolarReviews.com are pre-screened for you. Other websites are Google reviews, Yelp, Angie’s List, and the Better Business Bureau. Check them all out and see what people have to say about their experiences with the company. These are valuable resources for consumers.

2. Many people do not think to check where the company has its home office. It is important to look at where the company is located because the closer they are to you, the easier it will be to get them to come when you need any kind of service. If the company is out of your county or state, it may be passing through or may not have an adequate service center in your area. If they hire a local company to service your project there may be a dispute in the price of the service. It is always safer to use a company close by that has a good Customer Service reputation. Is the company involved in the community you live in? Do they give back to the community by way of involvement. Every town has many organizations that improve the quality of life for its citizens. Is the company you hire participating or donating to any of the local organizations? If a company is local you will know where to find them.

3. Is the company specialized in what they do? Especially with solar, you will see home remodeling trucks with solar at the bottom of the list. Many roofing companies have started installing solar. Some home improvement companies think installing a solar system is easy, but a good solar system designed right, and specifically for your home or business provides a more efficient system with better production. Do they have an engineer designing their systems or at least overseeing the designs? If it is sized right it will cover your electric bill with extra to cover future growth in electrical usage. A good company should have most services in house. If they have too many sub-contractors it is too easy for them to play the blame game if something goes wrong.

4. How much money are they asking for up front? A financially healthy company should be able to keep many projects going at the same time. All companies will ask for some down payment in ernest but they should never ask for all the money up front. Some companies will ask for a payment when the equipment is delivered, but never pay for services that are not yet rendered. Only give them their last payment when you see your electric meter spinning backwards.

5. Does the company have a solar license? The best solar company should have a C-46 Solar license. You can check on each company’s license at http://www.cslb.ca.gov/ and use “check a License” tool.

6. A good solar company will custom design your solar system, get your permits from the city or county, procure HOA approvals, install the system, apply for Utility interconnection, and install a monitoring system. It should provide you with a full 25 year warranty on the entire installation, including all parts and labor. You should pick a solar company that will do everything for you except to open the gate.

The author is Judith Shadzi, Vice President of Cosmic Solar. Cosmic Solar has been ‘Business of the Year’ twice in Valley Center, their home, and received the 2019 Heroes of Vista Award where their office and warehouse is located. They are #1 for customer service in California and have received the prestigious award of the top 500 national solar companies by Solar Power International 5 years in a row.