Message from Escondido City Manager, Jeffrey Epp


Parks and Open Space:
Good News! As of Saturday, May 2 all City of Escondido parks and open spaces are open in accordance with the County of San Diego Public Health Order. All parking lots are open at 50% capacity and active recreation areas such as basketball, disc golf, and tennis courts are open for limited use by members of a single household only. Play structures will remain closed at all parks per the County order.
Please make sure to follow all posted signage, wear a facial covering and follow physical distancing guidelines from anyone not in your household.

Online Services:
With City facilities closed to the public there are many ways to do business online with the City by using our Online Services Portal.
You can get preparedness tips, the latest details and a host of resources (videos, fact sheets, etc.) on the County’s website at

American Strong and United Campaign:
The Escondido Police and Fire Departments along with Park Rangers are participating in the America Strong & United campaign by wearing badge bands during the month of May. Non-uniformed personnel may also wear red white and blue ribbons to show support.

The America Strong and United badge bands and ribbons include three colors to symbolize the sacrifice of essential workers. Blue to represent police officers, healthcare professionals, park rangers and other safety and enforcement professionals: Red to represent firefighters, lifeguards, emergency medical personnel and others in the first responder life-safety fields. White to represent grocery and food service workers, social service providers and volunteers and other essential workers. Together, the red, white, and blue America Strong and United badge bands and ribbons represent all those who continue to serve their communities. We are proud to join in the recognition of the all the extraordinary service and sacrifice to our community by both first responders and essential workers during the pandemic.