Monoclonal Antibody Treatment for COVID-19 in Vista and Escondido


If you have mild or moderate COVID-19, you may be able to receive monoclonal antibody treatment. It can reduce your symptoms and help you recover faster and avoid hospitalization.

Información en español

What is the treatment?
Monoclonal antibodies are proteins made in a lab. For more than 30 years, doctors have used the treatment for many kinds of diseases, such as cancer, immune disorders, inflammatory diseases, and infections. Certain monoclonal antibodies received emergency use authorization by the Food and Drug Administration to treat COVID-19.

These antibodies are administered in an outpatient setting, either through an IV (as an infusion into your vein) or a subcutaneous injection (a shot under your skin). Either way, the treatment can be given in under an hour during a single visit.

Who can get treatment?
Anyone 12 years old and older who:

Tested positive for COVID-19, and
Has symptoms of COVID-19, but not for more than 10 days, and Weighs at least 88 pounds, and Is at high risk for developing severe COVID-19. The following conditions place you at high risk:
Age 65 or older
Obesity or being overweight, with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or greater
Diabetes, chronic kidney disease, or a condition that weakens the immune system
Heart disease, high blood pressure, or lung disease (like asthma)
Other medical conditions or factors, such as race or ethnicity, that may place you at high risk for severe COVID-19
How to get treatment
Call your doctor first to find out if they offer monoclonal antibody treatment.
If your doctor or health system can’t offer treatment, the County and its partners have several Monoclonal Antibody Regional Centers (MARCs) where you can get treatment at no cost. You don’t need health insurance, and immigration status does not matter. You must have an appointment and wear a mask.

Call the MARCs at (619) 685-2500 to ask questions, see if you are medically eligible, or schedule an appointment.

You can also email with any questions.

MARC locations
Locations may change over time. Current sites include:

MARC at Vista Community Clinic
MARC at Escondido
MARC at Clairemont Friendship Center (Opening soon)
Family Health Centers of San Diego. Sites in Chula Vista and Hillcrest