Moonlight Angels Raise More Than $72,000 in 2019 in Support of the Moonlight Cultural Foundation


Vista, CA (January 14, 2020) – The Moonlight Cultural Foundation started the new year off with a significant donation from the Moonlight Angels Auxiliary. On January 13, the Angels presented a checkto the Foundation for $72,535 to go towards supporting The Moonlight in its 40th Anniversary year. The Angels are an all-volunteer committee dedicated to supporting the Foundation as the Moonlight Amphitheatre’s non-profit partner. The MoonlightAngels Auxiliary was formed in 1992 solely to aid, sponsor, promote and assist the Moonlight Cultural Foundation in ongoing or future fundraisers, and to provide a volunteer work force.

“For 28 years, the Moonlight Angels Auxiliary has played such an important role for the Foundation and the Moonlight,” said Foundation Executive Director Jennifer Bradford.

“The Angels raise funds and provide tireless volunteer support 12 months a year. This dedicated group of volunteers work behind the scenes to help make the Moonlight the special place that it is. We are so grateful for their support.”

The Moonlight Amphitheatre is the City of Vista’s Cultural Arts program offering a summer season of Broadway musicals alongwith concerts and other special events throughout the year. For more information, visit