New California Housing Laws Decrease Carlsbad’s Ability to Control


In an effort to address the lack of affordable housing in California, the state legislature has passed a number of new laws that will significantly decrease the City of Carlsbad’s ability to control how and where new housing is approved, according to a recent presentation by the city’s government relations representatives.

The new laws, some of which go into effect Jan. 1, 2020, cover a wide range of topics designed to create more affordable housing statewide, including:

Making it easier to add “accessory dwelling units,” sometimes called granny flats, in neighborhoods.
Limiting the amount rent can be increased by landlords.
Making it easier to get housing projects approved.

Given the volume and complexity of the changes, the City Council requested that a workshop be set aside in early 2020 to discuss the new laws and how they relate to the city’s future plans to manage growth and protect Carlsbad’s quality of life.

A summary of the new laws can be found in the staff report and presentation provided to City Council.

More Information
Jason Haber, intergovernmental affairs director,, 760-434-2958