No One is Watching


As the sun begins to heat things up, your Vista Firefighters understand that pools and water based vacation days will be part of your family’s summertime fun. We URGE all of you to designate a “water watcher” for ALL of your family and friends that need one.
Did you know that drowning is the leading cause of death in children from the ages of 1-14 due to unintentional injury? The peak ages for these deaths is between the ages of 2-3 years old, from drownings in residential pools, bathtubs, or buckets.
A “water watcher” is a pre designated adult, known to all at the event who will be distraction free. This person should be free from their cell phone, but should have access to it in case 911 is needed. This person should not be impaired by alcohol or drugs, and should be able to perform CPR if needed.

The “water watcher” should also be able to reach the children in their charge when they are in the water.

Please visit our friends at Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego by clicking on the link…/ce…/safe-kids-san-diego/drowning-prevention/ for more information, including locations where you can get your “water watcher” tags.


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