Oceanside Chief’s Corner – April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month


The month of April is distracted driving awareness month. For the past decade, distracted driving has taken roadways in the United States by storm, endangering not only the distracted drivers themselves but their passengers and everyone sharing the road as well. When we are behind the wheel, we should focus on one task: safe driving. Anytime you divert your attention from driving, you are distracted. This includes texting, taking photos, adjusting the radio, applying make-up, and eating or drinking. Text messaging is considered one of the most dangerous forms of distracted driving. In 2020 alone, over three thousand lives were lost in crashes involving distracted drivers. Please, put your phone away, or get ready to pay. Throughout April, our traffic unit will emphasize education on the risks of distracted driving. Enforcement for these violations is year-round. If you must send a text or make a call, pull over to a safe location and park your vehicle. If you have a passenger, designate them as your texter and navigator. If you cannot resist the temptation to use your phone while on the road, keep it in your trunk. Please, drive responsibly to help us keep the roadways safe for all who enjoy them.

Stay connected with the latest information from the Oceanside Police Department by following Oceanside PD on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. You can also view public safety and upcoming department event information on our newly revamped website by visiting oceansidepolice.com. Many career opportunities are available at the Oceanside Police Department, including Police Cadet, Community Services Officer, Public Safety Dispatcher and Police Officer. If you are willing to work hard, be nice, and help change lives, there is a career for you at the OPD. Visit JOINOPD.NET to learn more about current job opportunities.

This will be my last time sharing an Oceanside Tide Update as your Chief of Police, as I will begin my retirement on April first. I am proud to have worked in the city I grew up in and am honored to have finished my career here as your Police Chief. Our department has so many great people doing outstanding work. We have a solid group of leaders, and I am confident they will continue to build an even better department for our community.

Thank you and be safe.

Chief Fred Armijo