Oceanside Police Chief’s Corner


Hello everyone, I am Kedrick Sadler, newly appointed as your Chief of the Oceanside Police Department. We see more bicycles and e-bikes on the roads as the weather warms. Unfortunately, thieves see them too and will take advantage quickly when you leave your bike unattended. Help us reduce thefts and protect your bike by following a few simple steps.

Invest in a sturdy lock. You invested in purchasing your bike; make sure to protect it. Some of the best bike locks can be rather expensive, but it is worth it when you consider it against the cost of replacing a stolen bike. Using a combination of locks for various parts of your bike can act as a further theft deterrent. A well-made bike lock requires power tools and time to break into, so by investing wisely, you can be sure you’re doing your best to keep thieves at bay.

Park it smart. As simple as it may sound, leaving your bike locked securely in a well-lit and highly visible area is one of the best things you can do to protect it. Thieves mostly like to operate in darkness rather than in places they could quickly become the center of attention, so leaving your bike locked under a large bright light on a busy street helps as a solid deterrent.

Take your battery with you. E-bike batteries are the most commonly stolen part of an e-bike. Most E-bike batteries are designed for an easy slide-on and off, so take your battery with you if possible. The battery is usually one of the most expensive and valuable parts of an e-bike, so if it’s locked up or not there at all, the bike becomes much less attractive to thieves.

Secure your garage. Thefts happen when garages are not secured.

Consider installing a GPS tracker on your bike. Some GPS trackers will also send out an alert if it senses your bike being tampered with or sound an alarm to scare away would-be thieves.

By following just a few precautions you can help prevent becoming a victim of theft and enjoy your bike all summer long. Ride safely Oceanside.

Stay connected with the latest information from the Oceanside Police Department by following Oceanside PD on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. You can also view public safety and upcoming department event information on our new website – oceansidepolice.com. The Oceanside Police Department is accepting applications now for many exciting careers, including Police Cadet, Community Services Officer, Police Officer Entry level, and lateral. Visit JOINOPD.NET to learn more about current job opportunities and apply. Thank you and be safe.