Oceanside Police Chief’s Corner March Update


During the last couple of years, we’ve have averaged a little more than one home being burglarized in our city every day and as we move towards the spring and summer seasons, many of you may be planning vacations. While you prepare to take a trip, please also take the time to prepare your residence for your absence.

Secure all entrances to your residence. So often side and rear entrances, as well as second story windows, are left unsecured.

Windows are easy entry points for burglars. Surprisingly, this includes smaller bathroom windows too. Inexpensive window locks are very effective when used properly.

Motion sensing exterior lighting is another affordable and effective way to deter burglars.

Do not advertise your absence. Burglars look for cues like outdoor lights left on all day, piled up newspapers and solicitor advertisements hanging around your door. Have someone you trust collect items while you are away and be sure to set exterior lights on a timer for the evening hours.

Avoid posting to social media that you are away from home. Share all about your amazing trip when you return.

Look out for your neighbors. If you hear or see something suspicious, please immediately contact the Oceanside Police Department at 760-435-4911 or in cases of an emergency, please call 9-1-1.

Lastly, consider signing up for Vacation Home Checks provided by the Oceanside Police Department’s Senior Volunteer Patrol Program. Please contact 760-435-4763 to enroll prior to your trip. This is a free service. Volunteers will periodically check in on your residence for you while you are away.

Please don’t forget to visit Oceanside PD on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube for additional crime prevention tips and more. Please also remember to visit joinopd.net to learn about current career opportunities at the Oceanside Police Department. Thank you and be safe.