Oceanside Police Chief’s Corner

December Edition


Chief Fred Armijo
The holidays are here and we all tend to get a lot busier this time of year. In the hustle and bustle of the season we can become more vulnerable to theft and other crime. Here are a few safety tips to keep in mind while you enjoy the spirit of the season.

Shop Safely

Always remove valuables from your vehicle
Schedule online deliveries for when you will be home or have them delivered to your workplace.
Utilize services like Amazon locker so you can pick up items at your convenience.
Request items be left out of view.
Ask a trusted neighbor or friend to be on the lookout for your delivery.
When out shopping, stay alert and be mindful of your belongings at all times.
Avoid carrying valuables and large amounts of cash
At Home
Always lock doors, windows, and close garages when you leave the house, even for a few minutes.
When leaving home for an extended time, have a neighbor or family member watch your house and pick up your newspapers and mail.
Set indoor and outdoor lights on an automatic timer.
Leave a radio or television on so the house looks and sounds occupied.
Displays of holiday gifts should not be visible through the windows and doors of your home.
If you use holiday lights, ensure the wiring is not damaged or frayed.
Check your smoke detectors
Please share this information with friends, family, and neighbors. If you see something, do not hesitate to say something. The Oceanside Police Department wishes you and your loved ones a safe and very happy holiday season!