Oceanside Working Together to Reduce Wildfire Risks


Evolving climate conditions throughout the state have made wildfires a year-round concern, and the safety of our community is the highest priority. We can all work together to reduce the wildfire risk in Oceanside.

Play a part in preventing wildfires in our community:

Report any fire you see by calling 911
Be aware of weather and red flag conditions
No outdoor burning on declared “No Burn” days
Avoid mowing or other spark producing activities on red flag days
Mindful disposal of cigarettes
Eliminate trailer chains from dragging, causing sparks
No outdoor welding near dry grass
Keep vehicles off of dry grass
Do not light fireworks – all personal use of fireworks are illegal in Oceanside and San Diego County
There are other readiness and prevention steps to take as well:

Create a defensible space around your home to prevent the spread of wildfires.
Oceanside residents and businesses should have an emergency plan and practice it.
Build an emergency supply kit. Supplies
Stay informed during emergencies. Get information
Whatever the cause, Oceanside Fire Department (OFD) is prepared, sending extra units to brush fires and ready to add and request more ground and air resources as needed. OFD teams regularly conduct preventative burns, increase patrols in fire-prone areas, and participate in drills to combat any surge of a wildfire that could break out.

As we approach Independence Day, OFD wants to stress an important reminder: all consumer fireworks are illegal in the City of Oceanside. This includes sparklers, firecrackers, cherry bombs, roman candles, bottle rockets and more. Those in possession of fireworks will be cited by the Oceanside Police Department. Please leave it to the professionals.