Organic Recycling Comes to Vista


Beginning March 1, Vista residents can now mix leftover food and organic waste together with their yard debris in the green cart on their regularly scheduled trash and recycling collection day. EDCO Disposable has introduced a new Organic Waste Recycling program to collect food scraps, such as fruits, vegetables, meat, bones, dairy, eggshells, and prepared food, as well as food-soiled paper, such as napkins, tea bags, paper plates, and coffee filters. A good rule of thumb is, if it grows, it can now be recycled in your green cart.

EDCO is using a state-of-the-art process (anaerobic digestion) at its Escondido facility to break down the organic waste into biofuel for vehicles and fertilizer for farms. Almost half of the state’s trash delivered to California’s landfills each year is organic waste. Recycling organic food waste will help Vista and other local cities meet the State of California’s target of diverting 75% of organic waste from landfills by 2025.

Organic Recycling Specifics
Vista’s residential trash service EDCO will begin picking up organics recycling March 1 on your regularly scheduled trash collection day. Learn more below on how to request a kitchen caddie to easily capture food scraps in the kitchen before transferring to your green waste cart.

View EDCO’s Organics Recycling Guide.
Learn more about EDCO’s Organics Recycling Program and request a kitchen caddie for convenient transfer of food scraps.

“Reuse. Reduce. Recycle.”